Is Skype a social network? What is Skype. How many users around the world use Skype?

Social networks have become so popular that the daily life of a modern person is simply impossible without them. On the other hand, IP telephony is also in demand. It is not surprising that at the beginning of 2010, the merger of two large corporations, Facebook and Skype, was announced. From this moment on, if desired, all users with 5.0.0 installed above can integrate their software and combine it with the social network.

What does a Skype Facebook connection do? How to connect your Skype account to access a social network? And what to do if you no longer want to use this function?

The benefits of the skype facebook option

After activating this service (provided free of charge), the user has the opportunity to simultaneously use Skype and Facebook, for this there is no need to go through. The account is linked to a page on the social network. Therefore, immediately after logging into Skype, the following functions become available to the user:

  1. Ability to view the latest news (broadcast on the right side of the screen).
  2. Send messages to friends on a social network via Skype.
  3. Transfer all contacts from Facebook to your subscriber list.
  4. I like to use the function and even leave comments on the status on Facebook.

The advantages of using this function are obvious, but judging by the reviews, most users simply do not know how to activate this service or do not even know about this possibility.

Important! The ability to integrate Skype and Facebook is provided only starting from version 5.0.0. Therefore, you may need to update your software.

Activate the Skype Facebook option

Like most other operations, activating this option is quite simple. The user needs to understand “where to look for the right button.”

Now, when you turn on Skype, you can use all the features of Facebook.

Advice! Connection can be made even easier. To do this, after opening Skype, you will need to click on the gear icon in the right corner of the screen and select the command to connect to Facebook.

How to remove Facebook from Skype?

Some users literally after a short period of time begin to complain about the inconvenience caused by the changes. How to remove Facebook from Skype, in this case? You will need to complete the following steps:

If there is no need to stop this option, but you just want to remove one of the annoying and annoying subscribers. You can also do this from your contact list in Skype. There you can also organize friends on a social network, creating a separate directory for: family members, colleagues, friends, etc.

The benefits of Skype and Facebook integration are obvious. One of the largest social networks is now more accessible than ever. The ability to use this option will help you save time and always be aware of the personal affairs of your friends. Live an active life filled with exciting events. Stay up to date with the latest developments.

Many services use a Personal Account. This is a special section of the site and program, which can only be accessed using credentials. Its functionality depends on the service used. This feature is also available in Skype.


A personal account in Skype is formed when the user registers his account. No additional settings are required for use; just open it. You can log in to your Skype personal account directly through the program itself or via the link to the site .

Let's consider the first method. The instructions apply to the latest versions of the program. Therefore, if you have an old client, then update it before starting the steps described.

Launch the program and go through the authorization procedure. Select Skype in the toolbar and click on “My Account...” in the pop-up list. A page will open in the browser that is responsible for the user account. Most often, you do not need to enter any login information; you can immediately begin editing the information. But sometimes the system requires a password for confirmation, in which case enter it.

It is not necessary to log in to my page through the Skype client. This can also be done with official website. At the top of the page there is a “Login” button, clicking on which will take you to the authorization form. In it you must alternately indicate your login (or email) and password for your account. Then you will have access to the user’s personal account.


Previously, user data could be changed directly from the application window. Now this can only be done from the website. You can also change your password only in your personal account. The account login is permanent. But for login, email is also used, which also changes on the site

Skype Online version is just the case when you can try the wide capabilities of Skype Online without downloading. In addition, there will be no need to install, and calls and messages will be available as usual.

If you are interested in how to get Skype Online via the Internet without registration, then read our material to the end.

How to log into your Skype account online?

In order to log into your Skype online account, you need to follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website of the application - open in your browser.

2. You will be taken to a page where you will see offers:

  • Log in using your existing account (then enter your username and password);
  • Create a new account - go through a simple registration procedure.

3. In order to get a Skype profile, enter your phone number or email.

4. Confirm your personal information, and now you can immediately log into Skype online to your page.

5. You will see an interface that looks the same as in the desktop version of the messenger: your personal information, a chat window, search and settings.

Installing the Skype Web Plugin

In order to make voice and video calls (if text messages alone are not enough for you), the online version of Skype will ask you to install a special plugin - Skype Web Plugin (*for the Google Crome browser, calls work without its help).

For which OS can I download Skype online for free?

The system requirements for successful operation of the web version of the messenger are as follows:

  1. Windows and Mac OS current versions;
  2. High-quality Internet connection;
  3. To ensure a beautiful picture during a video call, you will need a high resolution webcam.

Which browsers is Skype online compatible with:

  1. Opera;
  2. Safari;
  3. Chrome;
  4. Mozilla Firefox;
  5. Internet Explorer;

Let communication be easy and pleasant!

In order to log into Skype, you must first register and install it on your computer. In this article we will describe the registration sequence for Skype, since it is impossible to use it without it. For those who want to install Skype on a computer or laptop, it will also be useful to read these instructions and learn some of the features of this program.

Skype is a program designed for free communication between users via the Internet, and it can also be used to make calls to many countries on various phones (for a fee). This type of communication is beginning to greatly influence the income of cellular operators and interstate types of communication. Cellular network operators are trying to repay their losses by maintaining the high cost of the Internet provided.

Skype on computer and laptop

  • Download the Skype installation file from the official website and run it.

  • At the next stage of installing Skype, it is suggested to install the search system " Bing" and replace the home page. If you do not want to replace the currently installed search engine, through which the search is performed by default, then be sure to uncheck the boxes.

  • If you do not have a previously created Skype account, then click " Create an account“, it happens that when you click nothing happens - in this case you need to go to the “Skype Registration” page (link to the official website)

Registration on Skype is free

  • On the open Skype Login and Registration page » official website, you can start entering your personal data, first name, last name, etc.
  • Lines with an asterisk ( * ) are required, the rest are optional.
  • Be sure to enter your real email address, since in the future, if you lose your personal data, you will be able to restore your own account.

  • Come up with a name for your own account - a login, as well as a strong password and pay attention to the installed keyboard layout (when the "Caps Lock" button is turned on, enter small and capital letters, when you press "Shift" - the opposite), since it is not displayed when entering ( dots).

  • All that remains is to enter the letters from the picture (protection from automatic registration) and click “I agree«

Be sure to write down your account information somewhere safe and preferably not on your computer, as they may be lost when you rearrange the system. So that you don’t have to deal with the recovery procedure in the future.

Login to Skype (skype)

After you have installed Skype on your computer and registered on the official website, you must enter your existing login (or phone number) and password into the input window (by opening the installed program) and click “ To come in"on Skype.

If for some reason you have forgotten your username and password and cannot log into Skype or for other reasons unknown to you, you can read the article, which describes probable situations and methods for solving them

  • After entering your data and clicking the “enter” button, the program will begin to determine the camera and microphone on the computer and laptop, with a window appearing about the found and connected equipment and the volume level.
  • In the next window, you will be asked to set a personal photo or other picture that will be used as your personal avatar, using the “ Review«.

  • After installing a personal picture, the main Skype window will open, where you can start searching for people of interest. In order to find the right person, you need to know his login; you can also use the first or last name to search, enter it into the input window on the left in the program. Then click “ Search in Skype» .

  • In the results found, using additional information about the city of residence, determine the one you need.

  • After detecting, based on other available characteristics (city, first name, last name), that person’s name, click “ Add to contact list“, a standard letter will be sent to him asking him to add you to his list.

  • After you are included in the list of the found user, information about this will be received and it will be displayed in the contact list. Now you can make a call with or without video (icons at the top right) or write a text message (at the bottom of the window) and send with the arrow (to the right).

  • You can change the camera display brightness settings and the volume level of the connected microphone by opening the “ Tools" and then " Settings«

  • In the sections " Sound settings" And " Video settings“In certain cases of conversation, you can make individual settings for your own means of capturing information, since it happens, for example, in low light conditions, that the video from the camera is very difficult to distinguish.

Signing up for Skype provides the following benefits:

  • Skype is a program that allows you to send messages and make calls with or without video to other users who have their own account - for free. By logging into Skype, you will also be able to call other numbers in many parts of the world, but these services are already paid and different tariffs are provided for this, depending on the frequency of calls, the state and the operator receiving the call.
  • By registering on Skype, you will have the opportunity to communicate with family and friends anywhere in the world without spending any money, as long as you have an Internet connection. Based on numerous reviews on the Internet, we can say with certainty that communication on Skype is much better than that of mobile operators.
  • The Russian interface (38 languages) and carefully thought-out functionality allows people with little computer knowledge to quickly understand; all controls have logical icons that do not require explanation.
  • The encryption system for audio and video information exchanged between users is the most advanced and provides maximum guarantees of confidentiality of communication.

Click to Call from Skype

During the installation of Skype, a window opens with the default checkbox “Install the Click to Call plugin from Skype”, after which you are given the opportunity to make direct calls from the browser by clicking on the button that appears to the right of the search result.

You can call any numbers, including regular phones from Skype, but to do this you need to first familiarize yourself with the tariffs for calls to phone numbers and top up your own balance. This is a very convenient function, especially for residents of large cities, where searching for the right company or service can be time-consuming, but here it’s just one click.

A very large number of companies and services that provide such a direct dial number pay for the incoming call themselves, and in this case, for you it becomes free. Pay attention to these icons and take advantage of the benefits offered.

Probably every modern person has come across the name Skype at least once, or maybe just heard of it, since it is a very popular program. At the time of its appearance, it did not have as many competitors as it does now. At the moment, making calls via the Internet and maintaining chat mode is provided by a very large number of applications and everyone claims that the quality of communication is the same as in Skype. But this is not always the case, and despite the popularity of new types of communication that have recently appeared, they are significantly inferior to the quality of Skype. Since its real owner is none other than Microsoft, which is difficult to compete with in the quality of the technologies used.

What is Skype

Skype is one of the most popular Internet telephony services in the world, as well as the messenger preferred by many.

Skype was created by Skype Technologies SA V 2003. The history of creating a product for citizens of the post-Soviet space is noteworthy in that Estonians took part in writing the first program. And even now, according to information on Wikipedia, Skype has the majority of developers and almost half of the general department in its Estonian division. The company itself began as a national Swedish company, and positioned its program as VoiP- means of Internet telephony. After the acquisition of Skype Limited in 2011 by the corporation Microsoft, the company is a division of Microsoft with headquarters in Luxembourg,

What does the word Skype mean, which gives its name to the world famous program and company? It is useless to look in dictionaries for how this abbreviation is translated. Initially the application program was called Sky Peer-to-Peer, which can be translated as "sky peering". The name described the operating principle of the service, but it turned out to be too long, so they decided to shorten it to Skyper, the domain of the same name turned out to be busy, and we decided to use a truncated Skype.

First version 0.97 appeared in 2003, and since then the history of program versions is a history of innovation and world conquest. All versions of Skype - from the first to the latest - are the introduction of new technologies, targeting new types of devices and moving away from competitors. The number of users and market share of international calls is constantly growing.

What is Skype today? This is a free program with which users can make calls to other subscribers and exchange messages and files with them. Subscribers can also subscribe to paid services: calls to landlines and mobile phones, sending SMS, access to Wi-Fi. What can be done on Skype for free today, yesterday was only possible with a subscription: for example, . At the time of writing this material, beta testing of a version with a built-in function has been launched instant transfer. The dictionaries available for voice calls and chats vary. For voice communication, these are currently English and Spanish; for messages, there are 44 languages ​​used in Microsoft Translator. In the near future, we can expect simultaneous translation into Russian of conversations and words in more than 40 languages ​​of the world.

Those who have this program prefer to use it both as a means of audio and video communication, and as a messenger, that is, via the Internet. Some argue that Skype is a social network. But calling it a social network is only a stretch. Here, information about your posts is available only to a certain circle of users included in the correspondence, and the publicly available information, and even then only to your contacts, is how old you are on your birthday, a small photo and status. Still, Skype is a “regular” communication service, the main goal of which is to provide high-quality communication.

The application is so popular that even the uninitiated have many questions about it. We answer FAQ- FAQ.

What is Skype?

In what year did the application appear?

In 2003. This is both the founding date of the company and the creation of the first version.

Who owns the program?

After the 2011 deal, Skype became part of Microsoft Corporation

How many users around the world use Skype?

These data vary depending on the source. Usually operate with numbers "more than 300 million", and here is the wiki data - 660 million. We don’t know whether Wikipedia evaluates Skype correctly, but the fact that the number of users is huge is confirmed by official “modest” data, and reviews of the service are mostly good.

What does it mean that Skype uses VoiP?

This means that IP networks (one of which is the Internet) are used to connect subscribers. What the program does with them is another question. Skype sets the algorithm for using these networks and many other parameters.

Where is the complete archive of program versions stored?

Those versions that are no longer supported or that do not correspond to the level of technology used are not publicly available on the official website. To have access to them and be able to run them, you need to contact special repositories or specialists interested in the topic. They will help you decide what versions are available for your device if it is outdated, and what a particular product is needed for.

What does the Skype logo look like?

Skype is a trademark owned by Skype/Microsoft and is protected by copyright:

Therefore, the trademark sign is integrated into the logo tm / tm:

Please note: if an adapted spelling of the word “Skype” is possible in the text, then in the logo the word can only be used as it is written in English.

We hope this article allowed you to understand why Skype is needed, what it is and where it came from.

Now you need and - welcome to the world of limitless communication!

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