Find out where the phone call came from. Find out from which city they called. Where did they call from - how to find out? All ways

When registering on many sites, posting ads, you have to indicate your own, and in some cases this information falls into third parties.

Therefore, the number of calls from unknown numbers to users' phones has recently increased, while most of these calls are advertisements.

In this regard, many users are interested in the question - how to find out who called the phone number in order to understand how important the call could be.



Calls from unknown numbers most often contain spam or advertising recorded on, less often - these are real offers of services from operators (beauty salons, legal ones, etc.).

A person has to spend his time answering these calls and finding out what the caller needs.

It is even more unpleasant when there is a missed call from an unknown number, and it is not clear whether it is worth calling back (especially since calls to some numbers may be charged, which is what scammers use).

Often, the caller's number is not hidden, since for most operators this is an additional paid service, which advertisers consider it inappropriate to use.

Thus, by the number found on the phone, in most cases, you can roughly determine who called you.

There are several ways how this can be done:

There are also other methods, paid or free, depending on their type and effectiveness.

Important! Before applying the techniques listed below, it is important to understand that all of them are only conditionally legal, as they directly affect the privacy of users.


When choosing a method for determining the parameters of the caller, it is necessary to take into account a number of characteristics: the service is provided for a fee or free of charge, for which numbers it is effective, for which type of communication it is most informative, how legal it is, etc.

For the quickest and easiest choice of a suitable method, the table below shows the main characteristics of all popular caller identification methods.

Choose the method that suits you best.


This is the fastest and easiest method to determine the identity of the caller.

It is effective for detecting spam, intrusive advertising, calls from organizations and companies.

The main advantage of the technique is maximum simplicity and speed.

All you need to find out who called and why is a switched on computer with Internet access.

Just dial the number from which the call is coming from in the Yandex address bar - and in the drop-down window with options, information will appear on whether it is an advertisement (you don’t even need to press the Search button).

  • No need to involve any third-party resources;
  • High detection speed - you can use the method while there is an incoming call;
  • Maximum ease of use of the service.
  • It is effective only in the case of companies and organizations;
  • The phone number may not be entered in the Yandex database, then you will not receive any information;
  • The technique allows you to identify only advertising calls.


For this technique, you will need several popular instant messengers that are based on mobile phone numbers.

The most popular such resources and - they are installed on the phones of most users, as they allow free communication in text format.

When registering in the messenger, the user indicates his mobile phone number, through which he is contacted.

A user base is formed from these numbers - accordingly, you can write to any messenger user, knowing his number.

Just search for the number that called you and see the information and photo of its owner.

  • Huge database of personal numbers and contacts;
  • It does not require the involvement of third-party resources - almost all users have instant messengers installed;
  • Familiar and familiar interface.
  • A number of users do not indicate any personal information about themselves in messengers at all;
  • The method cannot be used for city numbers, organizations and companies (with rare exceptions);
  • Some users are still not registered in messengers.

Kirill: “When calling from unknown mobile numbers, I always check the owner through instant messengers. There have been no misfires yet - if you don’t find one, you will find it in another.


It was mentioned above that some sites collect entire databases of numbers of private and corporate subscribers.

Numbers come to them from various sources - from ad sites, from operator's communication salons, from the administration of sites that require you to indicate a phone number during registration.

In some cases, on such sites you can find a lot of personal information about the subscriber.

To do this, you just need a phone number "" - this way you will receive several bases in which this number is included in the results of the issuance.

If you don’t manage to find out the caller’s personal data, then you can at least determine the region where the number was registered and other geographical data.

If the phone number belongs to some organization, you, respectively, will also find out in this way.

  • Sometimes it allows you to find out the data of private subscribers;
  • It is as simple as possible, the interface is familiar, no third-party resources are required;
  • High caller identification speed.
  • Low information content - the data in the databases are most often outdated or insufficient;
  • Complete illegality when it comes to private subscribers;
  • Some services of this type of services are provided for a fee.

Andrey: “There is no such problem that Google would not solve! Almost always, to identify the caller, it helps to simply google the number. Misfires, of course, happened, but extremely rarely.

Sberbank Online

A specific method for determining the caller, which works if you are a Sberbank client and the caller is the same.

Based on the knowledge that all Sberbank cards are tied to the holder's phone number.

To find out the name, patronymic and the first letter of the last name of the owner of the phone number, try to make a transfer to a card for a Sberbank client.

In the part of the procedure where you need to specify the details, select "By phone number" and enter the desired number.

  • Absolutely reliable data about the holder of the number;
  • High probability that the method will work;
  • Simple and familiar to most users interface.
  • Its inoperability if the caller is not a client of Sberbank;
  • Works exclusively with mobile numbers;
  • Shows only the first name, not giving last name data.

Svetlana: "Sberbank Online helped out a lot several times when it was necessary to find out who called."

Mobile applications

A number of developers implement applications whose main functionality is to collect information (phone numbers) of users from open sources on the network online.

Since not all users indicate contact details in open sources, it can be difficult to find someone there.

Applications are inconvenient, uninformative, but completely legal- since the information is open, its collection in the database is permissible.

  • Full legality;
  • Sufficiently high information content with the active use of the caller of social networks;
  • Sometimes you can find the page of the caller on the social network in this way.
  • The bases are not too extensive;
  • They may indicate old data;
  • Effective only when the user specifies their data;
  • Some databases ask the installer to enter their data to access the archive;
  • It is necessary to involve inconvenient and unusual applications, since the bases in different ones may differ.

Michael: “So-so technique. I downloaded some kind of base application, but I never used it. They also added my number to this database.”


You need to understand that actually finding out who called you is quite difficult.

Moreover, if a private number registered to a real person called you, then it is almost impossible, since this affects the inviolability of personal life, and therefore all such bases are illegal.

It is even more difficult to find out the owner of the number in case of fraudulent activities.- for this, cards that are not registered at all are bought, or registered many years ago for a fictitious person.

By using , you can protect yourself, at least partially, from ads. And the use of search engines will help if any organization called you.

These are the most effective methods of the really more or less informative ones. Messengers can also help in the case of mobile numbers, because even if no information about the user is indicated, you can write to him.

Finding information with Sberbank Online it can be uninformative for a variety of reasons - registering a number for the wrong person, linking a card to a long-term non-valid number, the complete absence of such a card.

However, in rare cases it may work.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the case when calls from a number are received regularly, cause inconvenience, or threats are received from a certain number.

In this case, you need to contact to law enforcement agencies or a mobile operator's salon.

They will not provide you with all the information you want about the caller, but the number can be blacklisted, and when contacting law enforcement agencies, they can even start an investigation.

It is rare for the average person to have numbers that do not belong to Russian operators appear in his call list. And yet there are situations when you need to call a number from another country, or determine where the incoming call was made from. There are several ways to do this.

Find out the country by phone using websites

There are many sites that provide this service for free. You only need to enter a phone number. Here are examples of such sites:


Find out the country by phone manually

You can also determine the country manually if you have a table of world dialing codes. These are often found in diaries, which you can purchase at a bookstore. They can also be found online:


Find the numbers before the number (1-3 digits after the plus) in the table and see which country you were called from.

Remember that often incoming calls from other countries (especially non-CIS countries) are charged. It is unlikely that such a call will cost you a fortune, but it is better to save money and use free Internet calls using Skype or another program.

Several ways to find out the location of an unknown number.


The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world, on the territory of which a wide variety of DEF codes of mobile operators are operated. Seeing a missed call from an unknown number on the screen of their mobile phone, many people cannot immediately determine where the call was made from. In order not to end up in roaming and not spend all your money on calling back, it is extremely important to learn how to determine the location of the caller by phone number. In our article, we will explain in detail how this can be done.

  • Any mobile operator has unique DEF codes, which can be used to determine the region of issue and operation of the SIM card. The first three digits of a phone number indicate its operator (for example, 903 « Beeline”), however, this DEF code is used in 49 regions of Russia, so it is impossible to accurately determine the location of an outgoing call using it. To do this, pay attention to the following three digits of the number (for example, 903 249-XX-XX « Beeline" Moscow).

  • There are a lot of such combinations and it is simply impossible to remember everything. That is why the easiest way to find out the region by mobile phone number is to call your mobile operator's support service. Call an employee an unidentified number, and within a few seconds he will tell you the city or region from which the call was made. This information is not confidential, so there is no point in hiding it.

Support phone numbers of popular Russian operators:

  • 8 800 700 06 11 - "Beeline"
  • 8 800 250 82 50 - "MTS"
  • 8 800 550 05 00 - "Megafon"
  • 8 800 555 06 11 - "Tele 2"

  • If you do not have the opportunity to call the support service, but you have a computer with Internet access at hand, then you can find out where the phone number was called from using ordinary Internet search engines. Open the browser, go to the main page " Yandex" or " Google”, enter an unknown phone number in the search bar (not to be confused with the address bar) and click the search button.
  • Before you will appear a lot of different sites on which this phone number appears. If you go to one of them, you can find out the operator of the number and the region in which it is registered. In addition, on many sites, users leave comments about unknown numbers if they have come across them before. If the number you entered is a scam, then you can find out about it from the comments.

How to find out where a mobile phone number was called from using special sites?

It may happen that searching for a number through standard search engines " Yandex" or " Google» will not bring results, because it has never been seen on the internet before. In this case, in order to find out the operator of the number and the region, it is best to use specialized Internet services, of which there are many today. One of the most popular is the portal " TeleHouse”, the database of which is constantly updated and replenished. To use it to find out the operator and region, follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Go to official site portal " TeleHouse”, scroll the main page all the way down and in the section “ Information» select « How can I find out where they called you from?».

  • Step 2. On the page that opens, enter an unfamiliar phone number in the appropriate field and click the " Define region and operator". You can use any format for entering the number. For example, we will try to find an arbitrary number.

  • Step 3. You will see search results that contain the name of the operator of the number and the region of use. If the number was previously registered to one operator, and then transferred to another, then the search results will display information about both operators, as shown in the screenshot.

IMPORTANT: Room information is completely correct. Service " TeleHouse»uses the official database of numbers of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications ( ZNIIS).

  • If you do not have constant access to the Internet, but from time to time you have to determine the regions of incoming calls from unknown numbers, then you can download and install on your computer a special program " GSM direction finder". With its help, you can not only easily determine the region and mobile operator, but also track the location of the call with an accuracy of up to a meter.

  • The program is a database with DEF codes of well-known mobile operators. After entering the number, a search is performed in the database, determines the operator and unloads the result on the screen. To determine the exact location, Internet access will already be required and some modifications of the program may require payment from the user. In order for the database of codes and phone numbers to be always fresh, the program must be updated periodically by downloading a new version from the network.

IMPORTANT: Since the program is available for free and you can download it from a large number of various portals, it is strongly recommended to check the downloaded file for viruses before installation! Hackers often inject ransomware, Trojans, and other dangerous software into such programs.

  • In addition to calculating the region and operator of the number, sometimes it may be necessary to find out to whom it belongs. Such information is confidential and cannot be obtained from an employee of a mobile company. However, a few years ago, hackers hacked into and uploaded to the network the databases of Russian mobile operators, which contain not only customer phone numbers, but also their full names, addresses, and even passport data.

  • A lot of time has passed since then, but these databases cannot be called completely outdated and useless. Most people don't change their phone numbers for years, if not decades. Therefore, there is a good chance to find the number and person you need in one of these databases. Most services of this kind are paid, but there are several free databases. For example, this. You can also download free databases of mobile numbers and search for them yourself.

Russia is a large country, many different DEF codes of mobile operators are used on its territory. When unfamiliar numbers are displayed on the phone, it is not immediately possible to understand where they are calling from, so you need to be able to determine the region by the phone number. This will help you save money and help you decide whether or not to call the person.

Find out the region by phone number from the operator

Each mobile company has unique DEF codes that identify a specific carrier and area. This is one of the options on how to find out where they called from by phone number. You can remember the first three digits, which belong to your cellular provider. If you don’t want to do this, then you can find out which operator and region by phone number through the customer support service. Dictate an unknown phone number to a specialist, and he should tell you where they called from (from which city, region). The provider has no reason to hide this data.

Find out the region and operator by phone number through search engines

Another free way to find which region by the subscriber's phone number is any search engine. You just need to open a browser on your computer, enter the phone number in the search bar (not the site address) and press the enter button. The issue will not indicate the name or surname of the owner of the mobile, but you will find out that it is, for example, MTS or Megafon, and where the call came from. This is the easiest, fastest way to find out the region by mobile number if you have Internet access without outside help.

Find out the city by phone number through service sites

If you need to find out the region by mobile phone number, you can use special sites that implement a search for this parameter. They do not determine the name and surname of the subscriber, but they can indicate the region of the country. One of the brightest examples of such a resource is the MTT website. You can check the phone number by region where you called from as follows:

  1. Go to site.
  2. Scroll down the main page to the bottom.
  3. In the right column below there will be a section "Mobile operator codes".
  4. A line will appear where you need to enter data.
  5. Click Show.

This is not the only resource that can determine whether a mobile operator belongs to a specific area of ​​the country online. For example, the service "tele-house" or "gsm-inform" work on the same principle. You need to indicate the caller's cell phone in the form on the site, and the program will determine the location, the region of the country to which this mobile DEF code is linked by the code. Keep in mind that you can only find out the place where the package was registered and purchased. The identifier will not indicate the actual location of the subscriber.

Determination of the region by number by special programs

To find out which region the mobile operator number belongs to, Internet access is not required. You can use special utilities that are installed directly on your computer and work in off-line mode. The principle of operation of such applications is very simple: directories with all the codes of mobile companies are loaded into the system, then the identifier function compares the data and shows where the caller came from.

As a rule, such programs are distributed free of charge, for example, these are Mobile Operators, GSM Direction Finder and others. Periodically, applications should be updated to the current version so that the database is “fresh” and gives out the package ownership as accurately as possible. These utilities will also not indicate the city in which the subscriber is currently located, but they will help you find out where the caller came from.

Video: how to find out where they called

Having received a call from an unknown number on their phone, almost every subscriber asks the question: where did they call from - how to find out? Indeed, if you call this number, then how much will be withdrawn from the account, and is it worth calling back at all?

In order to obtain reliable information about the region from which the call originated, as well as about the mobile operator that services this number, many Internet services have been developed. In our article, we will talk in detail about how to find out where the number was called from: how to determine the telecom operator and area.

Choose a search option

At the moment, there are two ways to obtain data: they are absolutely official and are guaranteed to allow you to get the data of interest to the subscriber about an unknown number:

  1. Services on the Internet to determine whether a number belongs to a company providing communication services and the region in which it was purchased.
  2. The contact center of the operator whose SIM card the subscriber is using.

How you can use each of the above methods and find out where they called from by the number will be described below.

Option 1: Internet Services

There are many services in the global network that can be useful. Their main advantages are:

  • availability;
  • no need to pay;
  • receiving data online;
  • the ability to view data on any number.

To obtain information, you should type a query in the search engine that the subscriber is used to, for example: where did you call from, how to find out? The search result will be returned in response. You can safely choose the option you like and follow the link provided.

Another advantage of such services is the simplicity of the interface. As a rule, such a site provides a special form for entering a number and a button that initiates the search. It is recommended to enter the number in full - indicating, among other things, the country code (+7/8). This will allow you to understand as accurately as possible where the call was made from.

Option 2: contacting the call center operators

Another way to get information is to call the customer support hotline provided by the telecom operator. Where did you call from, how to find out - such a question should be directed to a specialist who will take your call. A few minutes after the check, an employee of the cellular company will answer you who provides communication services and in which region this number is registered. Please note that information about the owner of the number is not provided - only general information is available.

By the way, along with information about which region and operator a particular number belongs to, you can request data on how much a minute of communication can cost. This can be useful for those subscribers who plan to contact the person who called from an unknown number.

How to call the operator?

So, if you have decided the question of how to find out where a person called from, address it to a contact center specialist, then we bring to your attention the data on how you can contact customer support:

  • For owners of a Megafon SIM card, this can be done by calling 0500. The call, of course, will be free, provided that the call is made from the number of this operator.
  • Subscribers of the alternative telecom operator "Tele2" can contact the consultation line by calling 611.
  • Persons using the communication services of the MTS operator have the opportunity to contact the employees of the dispatch service by number 0890.
  • For Beeline customers, there is also a support line, which can be reached by phone 0611 .

If you use another mobile operator, then you can find out the contacts (phone / mail) on the official website of the company or in the documentation that is issued when concluding a contract for the provision of services and purchasing a SIM card.

What should be kept in mind when receiving such information?

How you can find out where they called from, we told earlier: there are two ways to get data. At the same time, I would also like to draw attention to a few facts:

  1. You need to enter the number in the format indicated on the site: some portals allow you to view data only within the country and ignore the international code, while others take this into account when searching.
  2. The system will display information about the region in which the SIM card is registered. This does not mean at all that the call was made from the specified area. After all, after acquiring a number, a person could change his place of residence.
  3. Belonging to a mobile operator is determined quite simply. However, given the fact that currently the subscriber, having retained his number, can switch to another operator, we can say that there is a small risk that the operator will not be specified correctly.


In this article, we talked about how to clarify where the call came from. How can I find out the cost of a call to this number? After it becomes known which area the number belongs to and which operator, you should visit the website of the company that provides communication services and view information about long-distance calls.

Similar data can be obtained by calling the contact center and requesting information about the cost of a call in a specific direction. Please note that for long distance calls, the operator may have options and services that allow you to save money. You can clarify their availability and activation possibilities in a dialogue mode with a specialist.

It is rare for the average person to have numbers that do not belong to Russian operators appear in his call list. And yet there are situations when you need to call a number from another country, or determine where it was made from. There are several ways to do this.

Find out the country by phone using websites

There are many sites that provide this service for free. You only need to enter a phone number. Here are examples of such sites:


Find out the country by phone manually

You can also determine the country manually if you have a table of world dialing codes. These are often found in diaries, which you can purchase at a bookstore. They can also be found online:


Find the numbers before the number (1-3 digits after the plus) in the table and see which country you were called from.

Remember that often incoming calls from other countries (especially non-CIS countries) are charged. It is unlikely that such a call will cost you a fortune, but it is better to save money and use free Internet calls using Skype or another program.

Several ways to find out the location of an unknown number.


The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world, on the territory of which a wide variety of DEF codes of mobile operators are operated. Seeing a missed call from an unknown number on the screen of their mobile phone, many people cannot immediately determine where the call was made from. In order not to end up in roaming and not spend all your money on calling back, it is extremely important to learn how to determine the location of the caller by phone number. In our article, we will explain in detail how this can be done.

  • Any mobile operator has unique DEF codes, which can be used to determine the region of issue and operation of the SIM card. The first three digits of a phone number indicate its operator (for example, 903 « Beeline”), however, this DEF code is used in 49 regions of Russia, so it is impossible to accurately determine the location of an outgoing call using it. To do this, pay attention to the following three digits of the number (for example, 903 249-XX-XX « Beeline" Moscow).

  • There are a lot of such combinations and it is simply impossible to remember everything. That is why the easiest way to find out the region by mobile phone number is to call the support service of your mobile operator. Call an employee an unidentified number, and within a few seconds he will tell you the city or region from which the call was made. This information is not confidential, so there is no point in hiding it.

Support phone numbers of popular Russian operators:

  • 8 800 700 06 11 - "Beeline"
  • 8 800 250 82 50 - "MTS"
  • 8 800 550 05 00 - "Megafon"
  • 8 800 555 06 11 - "Tele 2"

  • If you do not have the opportunity to call the support service, but you have a computer with Internet access at hand, then you can find out where the phone number was called from using ordinary Internet search engines. Open the browser, go to the main page " Yandex" or " Google”, enter an unknown phone number in the search bar (not to be confused with the address bar) and click the search button.
  • Before you will appear a lot of different sites on which this phone number appears. If you go to one of them, you can find out the operator of the number and the region in which it is registered. In addition, on many sites, users leave comments about unknown numbers if they have come across them before. If the number you entered is a scam, then you can find out about it from the comments.

How to find out where a mobile phone number was called from using special sites?

It may happen that searching for a number through standard search engines " Yandex" or " Google» will not bring results, because it has never been seen on the internet before. In this case, in order to find out the operator of the number and the region, it is best to use specialized Internet services, of which there are many today. One of the most popular is the portal " TeleHouse”, the database of which is constantly updated and replenished. To use it to find out the operator and region, follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Go to official site portal " TeleHouse”, scroll the main page all the way down and in the section “ Information» select « How can I find out where they called you from?».

  • Step 2. On the page that opens, enter an unfamiliar phone number in the appropriate field and click the " Define region and operator". You can use any format for entering the number. For example, we will try to find an arbitrary number.

  • Step 3. You will see search results that contain the name of the operator of the number and the region of use. If the number was previously registered to one operator, and then transferred to another, then the search results will display information about both operators, as shown in the screenshot.

IMPORTANT: Room information is completely correct. Service " TeleHouse»uses the official database of numbers of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications ( ZNIIS).

  • If you do not have constant access to the Internet, but from time to time you have to determine the regions of incoming calls from unknown numbers, then you can download and install on your computer a special program " GSM direction finder". With its help, you can not only easily determine the region and mobile operator, but also track the location of the call with an accuracy of up to a meter.

  • The program is a database with DEF codes of well-known mobile operators. After entering the number, a search is performed in the database, determines the operator and unloads the result on the screen. To determine the exact location, Internet access will already be required and some modifications of the program may require payment from the user. In order for the database of codes and phone numbers to be always fresh, the program must be updated periodically by downloading a new version from the network.

IMPORTANT: Since the program is available for free and you can download it from a large number of various portals, it is strongly recommended to check the downloaded file for viruses before installation! Hackers often inject ransomware, Trojans, and other dangerous software into such programs.

  • In addition to calculating the region and operator of the number, sometimes it may be necessary to find out to whom it belongs. Such information is confidential and cannot be obtained from an employee of a mobile company. However, a few years ago, hackers hacked into and uploaded to the network the databases of Russian mobile operators, which contain not only customer phone numbers, but also their full names, addresses, and even passport data.

  • A lot of time has passed since then, but these databases cannot be called completely outdated and useless. Most people don't change their phone numbers for years, if not decades. Therefore, there is a good chance to find the number and person you need in one of these databases. Most services of this kind are paid, but there are several free databases. For example, this. You can also download free databases of mobile numbers and search for them yourself.

Having received a call from an unknown number on their phone, almost every subscriber asks the question: where did they call from - how to find out? Indeed, if you call this number, then how much will be withdrawn from the account, and is it worth calling back at all?

In order to obtain reliable information about the region from which the call originated, as well as about the mobile operator that services this number, many Internet services have been developed. In our article, we will talk in detail about how to find out where the number was called from: how to determine the telecom operator and area.

Choose a search option

At the moment, there are two ways to obtain data: they are absolutely official and are guaranteed to allow you to get the data of interest to the subscriber about an unknown number:

  1. Services on the Internet to determine whether a number belongs to a company providing communication services and the region in which it was purchased.
  2. The contact center of the operator whose SIM card the subscriber is using.

How you can use each of the above methods and find out where they called from by the number will be described below.

Option 1: Internet Services

There are many services in the global network that can be useful. Their main advantages are:

  • availability;
  • no need to pay;
  • receiving data online;
  • the ability to view data on any number.

To obtain information, you should type a query in the search engine that the subscriber is used to, for example: where did you call from, how to find out? The search result will be returned in response. You can safely choose the option you like and follow the link provided.

Another advantage of such services is the simplicity of the interface. As a rule, such a site provides a special form for entering a number and a button that initiates the search. It is recommended to enter the number in full - indicating, among other things, the country code (+7/8). This will allow you to understand as accurately as possible where the call was made from.

Option 2: contacting the call center operators

Another way to get information is to call the customer support hotline provided by the telecom operator. Where did you call from, how to find out - such a question should be directed to a specialist who will take your call. A few minutes after the check, an employee of the cellular company will answer you who provides communication services and in which region this number is registered. Please note that information about the owner of the number is not provided - only general information is available.

By the way, along with information about which region and operator a particular number belongs to, you can request data on how much a minute of communication can cost. This can be useful for those subscribers who plan to contact the person who called from an unknown number.

How to call the operator?

So, if you have decided the question of how to find out where a person called from, address it to a contact center specialist, then we bring to your attention the data on how you can contact customer support:

  • For owners of a Megafon SIM card, this can be done by calling 0500. The call, of course, will be free, provided that the call is made from the number of this operator.
  • Subscribers of the alternative telecom operator "Tele2" can contact the consultation line by calling 611.
  • Persons using the communication services of the MTS operator have the opportunity to contact the employees of the dispatch service by number 0890.
  • For Beeline customers, there is also a support line, which can be reached by phone 0611 .

If you use another mobile operator, then you can find out the contacts (phone / mail) on the official website of the company or in the documentation that is issued when concluding a contract for the provision of services and purchasing a SIM card.

What should be kept in mind when receiving such information?

How you can find out where they called from, we told earlier: there are two ways to get data. At the same time, I would also like to draw attention to a few facts:

  1. You need to enter the number in the format indicated on the site: some portals allow you to view data only within the country and ignore the international code, while others take this into account when searching.
  2. The system will display information about the region in which the SIM card is registered. This does not mean at all that the call was made from the specified area. After all, after acquiring a number, a person could change his place of residence.
  3. Belonging to a mobile operator is determined quite simply. However, given the fact that currently the subscriber, having retained his number, can switch to another operator, we can say that there is a small risk that the operator will not be specified correctly.


In this article, we talked about how to clarify where the call came from. How can I find out the cost of a call to this number? After it becomes known which area the number belongs to and which operator, you should visit the website of the company that provides communication services and view information about long-distance calls.

Similar data can be obtained by calling the contact center and requesting information about the cost of a call in a specific direction. Please note that for long distance calls, the operator may have options and services that allow you to save money. You can clarify their availability and activation possibilities in a dialogue mode with a specialist.

Russia is a large country, many different DEF codes of mobile operators are used on its territory. When unfamiliar numbers are displayed on the phone, it is not immediately possible to understand where they are calling from, so you need to be able to determine the region by the phone number. This will help you save money and help you decide whether or not to call the person.

Find out the region by phone number from the operator

Each mobile company has unique DEF codes that identify a specific carrier and area. This is one of the options on how to find out where they called from by phone number. You can remember the first three digits, which belong to your cellular provider. If you don’t want to do this, then you can find out which operator and region by phone number through the customer support service. Dictate an unknown phone number to a specialist, and he should tell you where they called from (from which city, region). The provider has no reason to hide this data.

Find out the region and operator by phone number through search engines

Another free way to find which region by the subscriber's phone number is any search engine. You just need to open a browser on your computer, enter the phone number in the search bar (not the site address) and press the enter button. The issue will not indicate the name or surname of the owner of the mobile, but you will find out that it is, for example, MTS or Megafon, and where the call came from. This is the easiest, fastest way to find out the region by mobile number if you have Internet access without outside help.

Find out the city by phone number through service sites

If you need to find out the region by mobile phone number, you can use special sites that implement a search for this parameter. They do not determine the name and surname of the subscriber, but they can indicate the region of the country. One of the brightest examples of such a resource is the MTT website. You can check the phone number by region where you called from as follows:

  1. Go to site.
  2. Scroll down the main page to the bottom.
  3. In the right column below there will be a section "Mobile operator codes".
  4. A line will appear where you need to enter data.
  5. Click Show.

This is not the only resource that can determine whether a mobile operator belongs to a specific area of ​​the country online. For example, the service "tele-house" or "gsm-inform" work on the same principle. You need to indicate the caller's cell phone in the form on the site, and the program will determine the location, the region of the country to which this mobile DEF code is linked by the code. Keep in mind that you can only find out the place where the package was registered and purchased. The identifier will not indicate the actual location of the subscriber.

Determination of the region by number by special programs

To find out which region the mobile operator number belongs to, Internet access is not required. You can use special utilities that are installed directly on your computer and work in off-line mode. The principle of operation of such applications is very simple: directories with all the codes of mobile companies are loaded into the system, then the identifier function compares the data and shows where the caller came from.

As a rule, such programs are distributed free of charge, for example, such are "Mobile operators", "GSM Direction Finder" and others. Periodically, applications should be updated to the latest version so that the database is “fresh” and gives out the package ownership as accurately as possible. These utilities will also not indicate the city in which the subscriber is currently located, but they will help you find out where the caller came from.

In the process of registering on various sites, when posting ads, you usually need to enter your phone number. But often this data falls into the hands of scammers. In this regard, the number of calls with spam, advertisements is constantly growing. Many people have a question - how to find out who called the phone number? Today we will try to find the answer, and analyze the various possible ways.

Most often, calls from unknown numbers contain advertising and spam, which are spoken by the answering machine. Very rarely real people can call (with the services of operators, banking offers). At the same time, a person spends his time answering the incoming one, and finding out who called and for what. It’s a very unpleasant situation when you see a missed call, but you don’t know from whom and whether you need to call back.

The numbers are often not even hidden, because operators charge for this, and spammers do not want to pay for it. So by the phone number, basically, you can find out who called you. There are several options:

  • The network operates specialized resources with databases of advertising and other numbers, they are replenished by users themselves - when entering a number, a notification appears whether it is in the database as an advertising one;
  • Half-legal subscriber bases, functioning for free, can be used to identify individuals - if not spam, then you can find data about the person to whom the phone is registered. This option is not very effective, because there is little content or it is outdated;
  • Catalogs on not quite legal special services for which you have to pay;
  • Special applications for smartphones with a base of subscribers who have installed this software. If you got a call from your home, then you won’t be able to find out anything, because it’s impossible to install the application on it.

Before you move on to the methods described below, it should be noted that all of them, in fact, are not entirely legal, because the privacy of citizens is affected.

Yandex service

This is the fastest and simplest way to identify the caller. It copes well with the identification of promotions, spam. The main feature is elementarity, efficiency. If you need to find out who called an unknown phone number, you will need a PC and an Internet connection. Dial the number from which the call comes in, in the line of the service with the address - in the pop-up window there will be data on whether it is spam or not (do not press the search).


  • no need to install additional software;
  • efficiency of determination;
  • easy to use.


  • works only with companies;
  • not all phones are in Yandex databases, you may not get an answer;
  • identifies only promotional calls.


This option involves the use of several messengers based on mobile gadgets. The most popular are WhatsUp and Viber. Almost everyone uses these applications. During registration in these services, the user marks his mobile, through which communication will be carried out. Accordingly, the database is formed from the specified user data, so you can write to any user. Search by incoming and view data about its owner, you can even see a photo.

  • extensive database of contacts;
  • no special software needed;
  • The interface is accessible and understandable.
  • some people do not indicate anything about themselves in the messenger;
  • it will not be possible to apply for city calls, company phones;
  • Not everyone uses these programs.

We have already said that many web sites compile their telephone directories with the data of legal and physical clients. Information comes there from various sources: resources with ads, communication salons and others. Sometimes on such resources you can find enough personal information about a person. To do this, you just need to “google” the information you are interested in - this will give the search result from several databases at once, where the phone number is also found.

If it is not possible to find out the personal contacts of the subscriber who made the call, it is easy to find out the registration area and other similar information. It is clear that the probability of finding out who called in this case is small, but it's worth a try.

How to find out who called the phone number through Sberbank Online?

This is an unusual way to identify the caller. It will work only when the caller and you are Sber customers. Everything is simple here: each card of a banking organization is tied to the owner's phone number. You can find out contacts (name, patronymic) by trying to make a transfer to a bank card.

At that stage of the procedure where you need to enter detailed contact information, find the “By phone number” item and enter the one you want to know about, click “Next” and you will see the addressee, interrupt the process.


  • firstly, accurate, reliable information about the cardholder;
  • secondly, the result is often positive;
  • thirdly, the simplest and standard menu for many users.


  • useless if the caller does not have a Sberbank card;
  • only suitable for mobile;
  • will show the first and middle name, only the first letter will be from the surname.

Mobile software

Some developers release products that collect user information from available channels on the Internet online. Naturally, not all users enter their data openly, so finding someone there is not always realistic. Such applications are inconvenient, low-informative, but absolutely legal, because all the information is open in them, it can be collected.

  • legally;
  • if the caller uses social networks often and a lot, then you will know exactly who it is;
  • in some cases, there is even a page in the social network of this subscriber right away.
  • small bases;
  • data is often out of date;
  • you need to involve unusual and inconvenient software.

It is important to understand that it is quite difficult to find out who called the phone number. In addition, if the call came from a private mobile registered to an existing user, this is almost impossible. So you affect the privacy of a person. With the help of Yandex, you can protect yourself from advertising. If you are constantly being called with threats or you are tired of them, you need to go to your operator or to special authorities. Good luck!

Several ways to find out the location of an unknown number.


The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world, on the territory of which a wide variety of DEF codes of mobile operators are operated. Seeing a missed call from an unknown number on the screen of their mobile phone, many people cannot immediately determine where the call was made from. In order not to end up in roaming and not spend all your money on calling back, it is extremely important to learn how to determine the location of the caller by phone number. In our article, we will explain in detail how this can be done.

  • Any mobile operator has unique DEF codes, which can be used to determine the region of issue and operation of the SIM card. The first three digits of a phone number indicate its operator (for example, 903 « Beeline”), however, this DEF code is used in 49 regions of Russia, so it is impossible to accurately determine the location of an outgoing call using it. To do this, pay attention to the following three digits of the number (for example, 903 249-XX-XX « Beeline" Moscow).

  • There are a lot of such combinations and it is simply impossible to remember everything. That is why the easiest way to find out the region by mobile phone number is to call the support service of your mobile operator. Call an employee an unidentified number, and within a few seconds he will tell you the city or region from which the call was made. This information is not confidential, so there is no point in hiding it.

Support phone numbers of popular Russian operators:

  • 8 800 700 06 11 - "Beeline"
  • 8 800 250 82 50 - "MTS"
  • 8 800 550 05 00 - "Megafon"
  • 8 800 555 06 11 - "Tele 2"

  • If you do not have the opportunity to call the support service, but you have a computer with Internet access at hand, then you can find out where the phone number was called from using ordinary Internet search engines. Open the browser, go to the main page " Yandex" or " Google”, enter an unknown phone number in the search bar (not to be confused with the address bar) and click the search button.
  • Before you will appear a lot of different sites on which this phone number appears. If you go to one of them, you can find out the operator of the number and the region in which it is registered. In addition, on many sites, users leave comments about unknown numbers if they have come across them before. If the number you entered is a scam, then you can find out about it from the comments.

How to find out where a mobile phone number was called from using special sites?

It may happen that searching for a number through standard search engines " Yandex" or " Google» will not bring results, because it has never been seen on the internet before. In this case, in order to find out the operator of the number and the region, it is best to use specialized Internet services, of which there are many today. One of the most popular is the portal " TeleHouse”, the database of which is constantly updated and replenished. To use it to find out the operator and region, follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Go to official site portal " TeleHouse”, scroll the main page all the way down and in the section “ Information» select « How can I find out where they called you from?».

  • Step 2. On the page that opens, enter an unfamiliar phone number in the appropriate field and click the " Define region and operator". You can use any format for entering the number. For example, we will try to find an arbitrary number.

  • Step 3. You will see search results that contain the name of the operator of the number and the region of use. If the number was previously registered to one operator, and then transferred to another, then the search results will display information about both operators, as shown in the screenshot.

IMPORTANT: Room information is completely correct. Service " TeleHouse»uses the official database of numbers of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications ( ZNIIS).

  • If you do not have constant access to the Internet, but from time to time you have to determine the regions of incoming calls from unknown numbers, then you can download and install on your computer a special program " GSM direction finder". With its help, you can not only easily determine the region and mobile operator, but also track the location of the call with an accuracy of up to a meter.

  • The program is a database with DEF codes of well-known mobile operators. After entering the number, a search is performed in the database, determines the operator and unloads the result on the screen. To determine the exact location, Internet access will already be required and some modifications of the program may require payment from the user. In order for the database of codes and phone numbers to be always fresh, the program must be updated periodically by downloading a new version from the network.

IMPORTANT: Since the program is available for free and you can download it from a large number of various portals, it is strongly recommended to check the downloaded file for viruses before installation! Hackers often inject ransomware, Trojans, and other dangerous software into such programs.

  • In addition to calculating the region and operator of the number, sometimes it may be necessary to find out to whom it belongs. Such information is confidential and cannot be obtained from an employee of a mobile company. However, a few years ago, hackers hacked into and uploaded to the network the databases of Russian mobile operators, which contain not only customer phone numbers, but also their full names, addresses, and even passport data.

  • A lot of time has passed since then, but these databases cannot be called completely outdated and useless. Most people don't change their phone numbers for years, if not decades. Therefore, there is a good chance to find the number and person you need in one of these databases. Most services of this kind are paid, but there are several free databases. For example, this. You can also download free databases of mobile numbers and search for them yourself.

VIDEO: How to find out who and from where called a mobile phone number?