Lol ascension. News from PBE: Ascension Mode Review. New game mode Ascension

"Ascension" is a new special game mode in which two teams of five compete to take the Ascension power-up from the Ancient Ascended Xerath in order to use this power to conquer the Crystal Canyon.

Ascension Basics

The Sands of Shurima have changed the terrain of the Crystal Canyon, making the outer circle of the map impassable. You need to use the Golden Transcendence (accessory) to teleport and join the battle. The first team to score 200 points wins.

Getting points:

  • One point
    For murder
  • Three points
    For capturing one of the three Shurima relics on the map
  • Five points
    For killing an Ascended Champion
  • Double points
    Ascended Champions gain two points per kill

Ascension Effects:

Ascend by killing the Ancient Ascended Xerath in the center of the map. However, be careful: you will need your entire team to defeat him and get the power-up. If you succeed, you will gain truly enormous power: extra health and infinite mana

  • extra health and infinite mana
  • increased attack power and skill power
  • cooldown reduction
  • armor penetration and magic penetration
However, the gifts of Ascension come at a price. Thus, all health restoration effects are halved; In addition, the enemy team always sees the Ascended. If the Ascended falls, the Ancient Ascended Xerath will be reborn, and the fight for Ascension will break out with renewed vigor!

Earth missions: program activation

As soon as a person incarnates on the earthly level, regardless of the chosen incarnation process, he immediately begins to fulfill the mission inherent in his program. The human being, although not fully aware of it, intuitively knows which direction to follow in order to fulfill the requirements formulated by himself. During childhood, a person begins to absorb information and lessons that he will need in the future. The parents he chooses unconsciously give him the necessary information and lessons.

Every person's program is encoded in their cellular structure and the memory of the human body. Levels of the program are activated when a person reaches the next stage of his life where he requires a new level of encoded information. A simple example can be given: a person has a job, but one morning he wakes up and has a desire to change his occupation. Work used to bring him satisfaction, but when a new phase begins, he no longer enjoys it. A growing desire arises as a result of the activation of a new level of the program.

When a person tries to resist the inevitable and natural transition to the next stage of the program, he feels discomfort and finds that everything is going wrong. The hierarchy uses frustration as a motivating energy, encouraging the embodied person to start moving in the right direction. Dissatisfaction with life may also indicate that the person incarnate has not fully mastered the new levels of his program, and is therefore dissatisfied with the circumstances. In some cases, radical changes are not required to move to the next level of the program. A simple shift in perception or starting a postponed project is enough.

Often the incarnate is afraid of new levels of his program, although he internally understands that they contain the keys to his creative power and satisfaction. He experiences fear because he recognizes the need to change belief systems and behavior in order to realize the fullness of his power. He realizes that power in its pure and true form allows him to know his greatness. It is this greatness that people are often afraid of, because it brings awareness that gives a person the opportunity to know, see and establish Unity with God. Humanity has been estranged from this God energy for centuries, but is now being encouraged to discover it within itself.

Fear in humanity is caused by centuries-old and deeply rooted misconceptions about power, which are encoded in the collective unconscious. Power in its true and pure form is a very useful and constructive force. But the abuse of the lower levels of power has instilled in mankind the conviction that this power is dangerous and must remain in the hands of God. , happening now, makes it clear that this true power is a divine force worthy of love, trust and respect.

Ascension Process Earth Spiritual Hierarchy

During the process of ascension, the embodied person awakens and realizes that he is on a spiritual path, and then works consciously to understand his path through achieving higher levels of awareness. This process occurs differently for everyone, but the principles underlying it remain common to all. Many embodied people enter this path unconsciously in an attempt to heal themselves, solve problems that constantly arise in their lives, and find satisfaction and inspiration.

To aid the ascension process, the Higher Self encourages the initiate to seek deeper knowledge both internally and externally in order to activate the ascension program in the physical body. Ascension Program - this is the cellular program of the body, a kind of collection of instructions for the transition of an embodied person to higher states of consciousness. The ascension program is within the human body program. The ascension process is broken down into stages. The embodied person gradually rises from level to level, and this process can last for many years. Once the initiate reaches the desired dimension, he may rest at that level until he is ready for the next stage of the journey before continuing the ascension process.

As he ascends, he rises from three-dimensional energy and structure to the fifth dimension, the Gate of Christ Consciousness. The fourth dimension is a transitional level that helps him internalize the principles of Christ Consciousness and experience its many frequencies before fully immersing himself in the power, depth and love of this energy. Once an initiate has entered the fifth dimension, he automatically has the ability to continue ascension into the sixth and seventh dimensions. However, he may remain in the fifth, but maintain an energetic connection with the sixth and seventh dimensions. When an initiate enters the fifth dimension, he becomes an aspect of his multidimensional Self and is able to move freely between dimensional planes and frequencies.

Those who incarnate in the first way may do so with the intention of ascending. Their ascension process may begin automatically as agreed upon before incarnation, or they may begin it as their life path progresses.

In the second method, described in the previous chapter, the ascension process begins automatically. The point is that the initiate accepts the veil of unconsciousness for a time in order to understand the Earth and humanity, but once he has sufficiently absorbed this information, the veil falls and ascension begins.

In the third option, ascension begins as agreed. The person begins to leave the body at night and visits the High Councils. There his abilities are discussed and his decision to ascend is supported. Most likely, he chose to ascend before his incarnation. The nightly council meetings simply reaffirm this choice and allow the council to prepare it for the ascension phase. Once preparations are completed, he can set out on his journey to begin the ascension process. Ascension begins when the program existing in the human body activates its new level and signals that it is time to awaken.

First Stage of Ascension: Initial Awakening

Once the embodied person decides to accept his fear of power, greatness and God and move forward to acquiring inner strength, the program begins to activate even more intensely. In the cellular memory of the body, a desire for self-knowledge and self-understanding is awakened, which passes through energy centers and fields, prompting the embodied person to seek information and opportunities for awakening. A man who hardly cared before , begins to read books on metaphysics, attend seminars on spiritual topics and seek advice from those who are already walking the path of awakening. Sometimes a person is not aware of the awakening process, and therefore unknowingly materializes spiritual books as gifts or meets with people who have information about this process.

Once the embodied person begins to awaken, he gradually becomes aware of those aspects of himself that he wants to change. He recognizes the need to heal certain parts of himself that are angry, irresponsible, depressed, uncooperative, or self-sabotaging. He directly or indirectly asks for help from others or from higher powers to change harmful beliefs and seeks an alternative. He can gradually become aware of his Hierarchy or at least higher energies in dreams, thoughts and experiences that have a profound impact on him. He feels that he is not alone and that his stay on the earthly level can have a higher purpose. Gradually he stops living a more or less unconscious life and begins to become aware of his thoughts, feelings and actions. After the initial stage of confusion when activating a new level of the program, everything begins to make sense and the past becomes clearer. A person may feel that all the events of the past were of great importance and led him to the path of awakening.

The process progresses to the point where the embodied person begins to realize the full power and potential of his current decisions. He takes conscious steps forward, understanding and accepting responsibility for every choice he makes. He discovers that this responsibility actually frees him, bringing with it a sense of freedom and clarity. Less and less often does he create situations full of pain, suffering and chaos. More and more often his decisions , creative manifestation and happiness. At this stage, he begins to look at himself and life from a different point of view.

In areas where he has either given up his power or tried to try it on others, he brings the energy into balance, establishing healthier and happier relationships with people. The embodied one gradually withdraws from harmful and destructive situations.

Relationships based on dependence on each other are often broken or overcome as the embodied person moves forward on the path of ascension. The incarnate begins to establish new relationships or transform existing ones so that they are based on personal integrity. A balance is established between self-respect and respect for others, as a person begins to perceive himself differently, and therefore values ​​others more. He realizes that by hurting others, he hurts himself, and vice versa. All of these relationships are an important element of the awakening process, and although each person will experience each stage differently, they will all come to the same understanding.

At this stage or after it, the incarnate learns about his true calling, about his “ideal job”. This transition may take many years to complete. This work will be compatible with the new stage and will allow him to continue the process of self-discovery. The Incarnated will understand that somehow his experiences along the path of self-discovery give him the ability to support, teach, or understand others.

Whatever the incarnate does, his calling will ultimately serve the good of humanity and the world. And although he will encounter difficulties or opportunities for further growth and development, his work will give him a feeling of deep satisfaction and confidence, he will again feel passion and find motivation. Other areas of his life will also benefit from the creative energy that is activated in the body and energy field during the ascension process. Some projects will begin, others will be completed, and new life, color, sound and fresh energy will enliven all areas of his being.

This is a wonderful stage in a person’s spiritual awakening, and, from our point of view, it is a pleasure to watch. We look forward to watching you begin to realize the excellence and creative potential of life. With similar delight, a mother watches as her child realizes his potential, discovering that he has a nose to breathe, legs to walk, and fingers to grasp objects.

Second Stage of Ascension: Discovering the Multidimensional Self

After the initial stage of awakening, there are stages in which a person begins to gain spiritual power and reaches spiritual maturity. At this stage, the embodied person begins to manifest his highest potential on the physical plane. He realizes, at least in theory, that he is an aspect of the whole, the Oneness of All That Is. He understands that through connection with the rest of the Hierarchy he can truly perceive himself as a whole. The incarnated one restores connection with his Higher Mind (Higher Self) and gains awareness of his multidimensional form.

This when he remembers working and traveling at night while sleeping. The period of sleep is used by the Hierarchy to call the incarnate home to the worlds and levels within the Hierarchy, including council meetings and discussions. Gradually, the incarnate begins to remember these meetings after waking up in the morning. He realizes that he exists in other space-time matrices, different from earthly frequencies. He can also understand that in other dimensions he does not always manifest in human form, and thus realizes his ability to be anything. The Incarnate begins to understand that he plays an important role not only in his own life plan, but also in the decision-making process for the Earth and humanity.

He is aware of the existence of a certain higher procedure by which everyone is connected with the Hierarchy and forms a part of it. This understanding generates even more responsibility and spiritual maturity.

Third Stage of Ascension: Frequency Training

During the third stage of ascension, the incarnate goes through a series of initiations and training programs developed by the Hierarchy. These programs change the vibrational frequencies of the initiate so that he gains the ability to simultaneously maintain higher frequency ranges. The third stage significantly accelerates the spiritual development of the initiate, as it not only teaches him to consciously maintain the frequencies, but also gives him access to the wisdom and tools contained in the frequency. Traditionally, this process is known as unraveling the secrets, as sacred secrets are revealed through spiritual initiation. Secrets are revealed when the initiate demonstrates the ability to maintain the frequency of the secret and the ability to internalize the wisdom hidden within that information. In all three stages, the ascension process represents the initiate's progression through frequency bands. The initiate moves from a relatively low to a higher spectrum of frequencies and to more frequencies within a single set.

A frequency exists in a geometric structure created based on the vibrational capacity of that frequency. The frequency itself contains information that can manifest itself in the form of light, sound or color. The level of information that a frequency can accommodate is determined by the geometric structure of that frequency created by its vibrational capacity. The third stage of frequency training will help the initiate to change the limited perception of reality and see a broader perspective.

A rare phenomenon that occurs in the third stage

For some initiates, a rare phenomenon may occur in which intergalactic memory banks awaken in the cells after activating the program. The initiate can, for some time, perceive the Universe and everything in it as a series of mathematical formulas. He begins to understand that everything in the Universe is a geometric and mathematical structure, and sees the geometric pattern of a situation rather than its physical manifestation. Not all initiates will encounter this phenomenon. Some people sometimes get the feeling that the universe is made up of mathematical formulas, but they decide not to delve into this area. Even for those to whom this happens, the phenomenon will manifest itself to varying degrees. The more an initiate becomes interested in science, especially geometry and mathematics, the stronger will be his desire to explore this level.

The science we are talking about is not exactly that which is studied at the earthly level, although they have much in common. The science of the Galactic levels of the Hierarchy recognizes that everything that exists is a formula. Every emotion, every thought, feeling or creation is a series of mathematical equations. The initiate understands that he can change his thoughts, feelings and emotions by choosing the right formula. He begins to record on paper numbers, drawings and words that do not make much sense to the human mind. Sacred inscriptions and symbols come from his pen, and he understands that they somehow have a beneficial effect. The initiate has found access to the sacred language of the Universe. When his eyes gaze upon this sacred language, he activates those levels of the body's cellular memory and programming that are responsible for healing and awakening. Mentors and spiritual Masters of geometric, scientific and mathematical vibration approach him and teach him to gain a deeper understanding of this realm.

Not all initiates are ready or willing to go so far in exploring the Universe in the form of formulas. The initiate can get lost in perceiving the Earth, other worlds and the Universe as mathematical formulas. He may no longer see reality in the same way as his brothers and sisters on Earth, and will lose his connection with them. He will be unable to maintain the level of awareness necessary for a balanced earthly existence and may find himself in spatiotemporal circumstances incompatible with his present earthly life.

No matter how far the initiate goes into this sphere, he will pass through the tunnel and find himself on the other side. There he will remember such an experience, make it a part of earthly life, and again begin to create his life on Earth. Over time, he will return, bring with him his experiences and live a more conscious life.

Such research will be of great benefit to the initiate, because he will be able to overcome his illusions associated with the earthly plane. He will no longer consider that , and will understand that he himself is projecting his vision onto the Earth, making it his reality. The initiate learns that as his perception changes, so does his concept of the Earth and human beings. He understands that entire realities can be transformed by changing the formulas that created them. The initiate realizes the subtle nature of the Universe and the perfection of the Universe. He understands that he actually creates his experience, and that experience depends on his perception.

In general, the initiate who is fully devoted to his path is in search of the highest truth. Systematically exploring the layers of reality, he finds many levels of truth, but rest assured, he will reach the absolute truth, and this will be his liberation.

In the third stage, whether the initiate is immersed in the scientific aspect or not, he learns to receive higher energies, anchor them in the human body and in the core of the Earth, and then make them part of his life on Earth. The initiate understands that one of his tasks on the earthly level is to serve as a vessel for higher energies. He holds the energies within his human body and allows them to emanate from him, thereby raising the vibration of all humanity. Through this method, he enables those around him to benefit directly from these vibrations.

This is how every person on the earthly level can become a healer and an Ascended Master. Everyone has the ability to connect with higher energies and then anchor those energies within humanity. When each person takes responsibility for this part of their mission on Earth, humanity will move into a higher state, considering themselves to be ascended on the earthly level.

based on materials from the book: Amanda Guggenheimer - "The Lightworker's Companion. A channeled guide to the higher worlds."

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Initially viewed as a Dota clone, League of Legends has managed to become its own strong, self-sufficient project that can no longer be compared to Dota. Despite the fact that the latter did not stand still in its development, the popularity of “League of Legends” is more than capable of competing with modern “Dota 2”. And any comparison of these games is nothing more than a holivar that has no end. League of Legends, released on October 27, 2009, was generally well received by the gaming community and has grown in popularity over the years. According to a 2012 Forbes article, League of Legends has become the most popular PC game in North America and Europe in terms of hours played. As of January 2014, more than 67 million people play League of Legends monthly, 27 million per day, and more than 2 million simultaneously during peak hours. According to Igromaniya magazine, League of Legends is an eSports breakthrough.

Game process

The game takes place in the world of Valoran, where battles go on endlessly. The game involves two teams of 3 or 5 players, each with their own base. Players (“summoners”) choose their characters (“champions”). The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy base. Players are assisted by computer-controlled minions (creeps). In battles, players gain experience and gold. For gold, players buy various items that give the champion additional bonuses in the form of increased damage, increased mana, etc., or activated items that perform some function, be it a shield to nearby allies, slowing down a specified enemy, or removing all negative effects from the champion. After use, such items require time before reuse.

The game has 3 lines along which minions and champions advance towards the enemy base. Between the lines there is a forest in which there are neutral monsters. There are special monsters in the forest, for killing which the player is given a bonus for a short time.

Players accumulate experience points and “Influence Points” (in-game currency) after each match. As experience points accumulate, the Summoner's level increases, up to a maximum of level 30. As the level increases, additional talent points (passive effects on the player) and rune slots become available, which improve the overall strength of the champion chosen by the Summoner in the game. Unlike talents, which the player can distribute between matches at his discretion depending on the available number of slots, runes, which also have some impact on the gameplay, must be purchased with in-game currency.

There is also an in-game store that allows Summoners to purchase additional goodies for Riot Points (RP, purchased with real money). But these goodies will not be able to have any effect on the gameplay, because... for them you can buy: images for champions (the appearance changes), images for totems ("wards") and various accelerators (increase the game currency or experience received per match). Thus, donating to League of Legends will not help you become stronger or faster in the game itself.

The game requires tactics and team participation from all players. This is the only way they can win. There are practically no situations when one player is able to defeat all his opponents, so it is so important to help each other and not leave the game until the end of the match. Leaving the game during a match - whether for a valid reason, a loss of connection or on principle - is a blow to your team. Such behavior is punishable by punishment up to and including a ban. The fight against dishonest and unscrupulous (who constantly insult other players, deliberately allow the enemy to kill them, etc.) players is carried out through a democratic system known as the Tribunal. In this system, players send complaints about bad players. When a certain number of complaints against a Summoner accumulate, his case is reviewed by officials from Riot Games.

League of Legends is constantly updated and expanded, eliminating existing problems (bugs), bringing more and more balance to the game each time, not allowing any particular champion to dominate all others, or changing the effects of existing items or adding a new one. And sometimes there is a complete change in the abilities of the old champion, and then he becomes completely new and unfamiliar. In 2014, a global update was made to the graphic component of the League of Legends, which made it even more attractive and modern.

In addition to the classic 3v3 or 5v5 game mode with players or bots, there is an ARAM (All Random All Mid) mode, when all players receive a random champion and there is only one line. In addition, Riot Games never ceases to delight players with the release of temporary modes, which are sometimes completely different from the original goal of the game. For example, in the Ascension mode there is no base and towers, there is only one line around the map, and the goal is to score a certain number of points by performing certain actions (including killing other champions and capturing and holding control points). Or the “All for One” mode, when players vote for the champion that all players on both sides will play. There was also a “Nightmare Bots” mode, in which players had to fight against overly strong bots, endowed with a truly cheating set of abilities - in this mode, even the most experienced players had to sweat, and they did not always win. Periodically, these modes are repeated, or a completely new one appears. Sometimes during the game in this mode, participants are given an additional task, for completing which they can receive memorable icons or images that cannot be purchased for any currency.

Those who like to study “Lore” will not be bored either. Each champion has his own biography and history, which is intertwined with the history of other champions. For example, one biography champion wants peace and quiet for Freljord, while another wants to capture and enslave him.

Initially, the player has 10 free champions from which he can choose. This set of 10 champions typically combines champions from all classes (tank, support, mage, marksman, assassin, etc.). This way, even a beginner can practice different playing styles. Speaking of classes, everything here is not as clear as it might seem at first glance. Depending on the chosen play style, the items purchased during the game, the set of talents and runes, a champion whose role is, for example, supporting and assisting his allies, can inflict enormous damage on enemies to the detriment of other qualities. Experienced players combine these changes for more flexible options in combat.

Each week this set of free champions rotates to a different ten, giving you the opportunity to try out other champions. Champions are purchased for permanent use by players either for in-game currency or for Riot Points (i.e. for real money). As of 2015, there are 128 champions in the League of Legends. Riot Games periodically releases new champions that can change the established provisions and rules of battle. Along with the release of new champions, Riot Games releases cinematic animated short videos that gain more than one million views (and sometimes tens of millions), telling about the history of the champion, or about what the battles of champions would look like on screen, or documentaries that give you a better understanding of Riot Games and their work. All these videos are accompanied by incredibly beautiful compositions written by Riot Games themselves.